Interior Design​ Student

Joanna Bedevian, Interior Designer

My name is Joanna Bedevian, and this is a showcase of the projects I have completed during my university degree. This includes both my design process, material outcomes and my final work.
What I Do



Interior Design

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Design & Build

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Project 1

The domino house project is the most recent project i created. I had to create a home/workshop for the artist dale chihuly using the domino house structure, The concept of the design took inspiration from mushrooms which are found naturally on the site of Avon gorge.the structure of the house goes beyond geometry, I used the lines of mushroom to create the skeleton for the roof and filled it with glass panels to be able to see the view from his art studio and take inspiration from it. the house would have an excessive amount of glass not only because thats the main material he focuses on but also I wanted him to be able to see the view and to make him feel likes he’s within the nature.  . The house is a fully functional space for Chihuly with all the spaces needed for daily living .

Project 2

This projects aim was to create a sanctuary space for students using a room located at bower Ashton campus. We were given a room that had the shape of a hexagon which made it more challenging for us but also fun. I wanted it to be a spiritual place where people can connect with others but also with themselves. I took inspiration from churches and used the elements of stained glass through my design.

Glass sculptures

Through my degree of interior design i found that i had a passion for glass. I have created a few different glass sculptures that go alongside my projects.